Absa offers an overdraft or a temporary loan that you can perform through your absa your current account. It can be easy to lose track of how much money is in your account when you’re busy and pay day can sometimes seem a long way away. An Overdraft from Absa provides you with a safety net of additional money, up to a pre-agreed limit, to cover everyday expenses when there’s nothing left in your account.

Absa offers three different overdraft options:

Standard – granted for a period of 12 months and reviewed annually.
Reducing – the limit on the overdraft facility is reduced on a monthly basis, until the full amount is settled.
Temporary – granted for a fixed period of time only and must be settled in full at the end of that period.

Who qualifies for an Overdraft.

  • Would like a reserve of extra money available in your account should you need it
  • Want to know you can cover withdrawals that exceed your available balance
  • Have an Absa Silver, Gold, Professional or Platinum cheque account
  • Earn a regular income of R3 000 a month or more
  • Only want to pay interest on the daily balance of your account