A Clientèle Personal Loan could pay up to R120 000 extra cash into your bank account within just 48 hours to cover those unexpected expenses at the end of the month. This is an unsecured loan meaning no security is required.
How to get a loan with Clientèle
- You can apply for any amount from R3 000 to R120 000 in increments of R1 000.
- You have 18 – 60 months to repay the loan.
- Permanently Employed
- Be a South African resident.
- Earn a minimum permanent salary of R2 500 per month or more.
The interest on the personal loan will be fixed at our current rate for the full term of the loan period.
With no fluctuations in the interest rate, the monthly instalment is always the same, allowing you to plan ahead.
A temporary disability and retrenchment will qualify you for limited cover where your premiums are covered for up to six months. The choice of the Personal Protection Plan is yours but it must have coverage equivalent to the Clientèle Protection Plan.
Your personal loan is arranged exclusively for you through Clientèle Loans Direct and Direct Axis, established authorised Financial Services Providers in South Africa. Lending responsibly are their goals and are done in compliance with the National Credit Act No.34 of 2005.