ot many people can find this information as Absa does not directly or explicitly tell their customers that this is their Debt Consolidation plan/product. Yes, sure, you can use the money you get from this loan to pay off your other debts or make further purchases. If you would like to read up on what and how loan consolidation pleaseread here.
Consolidate your debt using your Absa Home Loan with Absa FurtherAdvance
Absa differs from other financial institutions and credit providers in that your home has to actually be worth the entire home loan including the extra loan amount you are requesting. For example, if you have an existing home loan with Absa and it’s worth R 300, 000 and are requesting R 100, 000 then your home will have to be evaluated at worth over R 400, 000. This is according to their conditions for taking out the Absa FurtherAdvance product.
But not to fret, you can actually use these funds as you see fit (which the NCR hopes is spent well).