Even if you are looking for loans for blacklisted people or if you are looking for loans for people with bad credit, we do it all within 2 hours of your online personal loan application completion from R1000 – R100 00. We do all kinds of personal loans like: short term loans, consolidation loans and just plain affordable personal loans.

Unlike other personal loan companies we do not ask ANY upfront fees to see if you qualify for a personal loan blacklisted, bad credit or not. We also do not ask you for a percentage of your personal loan amount for our commission, once you get your money, the financial institutions we work with pay our commission directly to us. With Just Affordable Loans all you do is Apply Online, we get your personal loan application and we will contact you within 2 hours if you qualify for a loan.

TEL: 041 4871969 | FAX: 041 4843567 | CELL: 0823017442

377 Govan Mbeki Ave, Port Elizabeth Central, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape 6001, South Africa

Website: http://www.justaffordableloans.co.za